Oneshot Productions


Sep 29, 2010

the Creation of Greatness is celebrated today!

yup.. 4 yrs ago today something great came to this world we live in.. and its been a better place since.
my BOY! Oliver Murphy Pulling.

Sep 23, 2010

that time again

that time? time to post something blogtastic.. ya dig?

at this day and age you're pretty much waaaaay behind in the internets world iffn's you aint got a blog.. well, i don't wanna be that guy.. the guy waaaaay behind.. so i got a blog. in fact this aint even my 1st rodeo yaknow? i done this before.. i used to talk about corndogs alot.. but that got old. so what do i have to offer now? well, not much. just a bunch of ramblings ons about nothing of interest but to only myself i'm sure.. so i blog..

we went riding the dirtbikes this weekend.. it was fun.. my sis was hella cool and let me and my buddy crash out at her cabin up in them thar hills.. it rained a little but we managed to get in some fun riding still..
check out the excitng video Dirt Ride 9.18 & 9.19

its my kid Olivers 4th birthday coming up soon.. my how time flies, i been looking at some old photo's from when he was born today. what a wonderful creation of a human being myself and Kate have done.. yes i am patting us on the back right now.. so?.. :)  anyways. 4 years old! holy cow, this kid is so smart already and doing great mentally and physically.. i'm gonna try my damdest to get him up in the snow as much as i can this winter and hopefully get him moving on a board, the snowmachine, a tube, anything and everything we can play on in the snow.. thats my Oliver winter goal :)  i am excepting donations for the fund.. if you know me you know how to get a hold of me to send me the money.. ok thanks in advance.. love ya!!

the boy.. he is 4 yrs old.. i love my boy!  here in this photo he is just a wee 2 days old.. i looked at this one this morning and damn.. he still looks just like that.. except he is a little bigger.. :)

ok, this concludes todays adventure..

Sep 8, 2010

and....... DONE.. for now.

well. I finally got the new site layout up and all the content layed out.. still some tweaking and things to add over time, but i'm am one for the moment.. gotta love slow jobs with internet access :)
new look, same basic shape and basic feel.. but its new trust it!

more to come as time rolls on.. and the blogging becomes real.. get it? me either..